25/06/2024 - New GNSS scintillation receiver installed at the Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST) in Dhaka (Bangladesh); instrument code: DHA0P     29/02/2024 - Nowcast and long term maps of MUF/Skip distance, foF2, M(3000)F2 over Italy available in the eswua system at HF SYSTEMS => HF MAPS.     18/04/2023 - Data from the GNSS scintillation receiver in Suomussalmi (Finland) owned by the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) is now available in the eSWUa system; instrument code: SUO0P     11/10/2023 - Data from the GNSS scintillation receiver in Nairobi (Kenya) owned by the Kenya Space Agency (KSA) is now available in the eSWUa system; instrument code: NAI0P     19/09/2023 - New GNSS scintillation receiver installed at the Department of Space Science & Engineering of the National Central University, Kenting, Taiwan. Instrument code: KEN0P. Owner of the system is INGV in collaboration with the Institute of Atmospheric Physics CAS (IAP).     08/08/2023 - New GNSS scintillation receiver installed at the Mt. Etna INGV-Pizzi Deneri Observatory (Catania, Italy); instrument code: CAT0P     13/07/2023 - New INGV-AIS Ionosonde installed at the Broglio Space Center (Malindi, Kenya). Instrument code: ML10L     18/04/2023 - Data from the GNSS scintillation receiver in Sodankylä (Finland) owned by the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) is now available in the eSWUa system; instrument code: SOD0P     07/04/2023 - New GNSS scintillation receiver installed at the NASRDA Space Environment Research Laboratory in Abuja (Nigeria); instrument code: ABU0P     

Max S4 value recorded in the last 3 hours

High Latitude

Middle Latitude

Low Latitude

S4 scintillation map (last 1 hour - elevation > 30°)